New servicepack for E³.series

New servicepack for E³.series 2025 (Build 25.11) is now ready for download.
The new Service Pack 1 of E3.series 2025 (Build 25.11) has been released and can be downloaded from ZGS and from FTP server.
BEFORE you download the upgrade, please read though these documents: Bugfix 25.10 updates and Bugfix 25.11
To benefit from the latest component enhancements in the Component Cloud, please also update E3.ComponentCloud and E3.CLX to the latest version.
If E3.RevisionManagement is in use it is mandatory to install E3.RevisionManagement 25.0.1 (or newer)
You don’t have to uninstall the original 25.00 version, just use the UPDATE/REPAIR functionality after starting the Setup.
For other updates or servicepacks for earlier versions, please visit E³.updates